Quaker Oats initially focused on send away promotions through the use of tokens, although there have been cut out packet backs.  Here are items from my own and other peoples collections

Please let me know of anything that can be added.  I have detailed in the yellow box on each of the offers, the types of items I am still looking for.

Click on the thumbnails below to see more information on each offer

Ebay pic1


Quaker Oats


1920s Quaker Oats Cooker (betr)
Quaker Oats Cooker
1900s Quaker Oats cereal bowl (1)
Quaker Oats Plates
1930s Quaker Magic cards 3
Mystery Cards
1930s Quaker Oats Speed Demon (5)
Speed Demon Bomber
1930s Quaker Oats Theatre No 1 Pied Piper (1)1
Model Theatre
1937 Quaker Oats George vi Coronation spoons (betr)1
George VI Coronation Spoons
1949 Quaker Oats Historic Arms of Merry England 1
Historic Arms of Merrie England
1902 Quaker Oats Cereta Quaker Oats Silver Plated Cereal Spoons
Cereta Cutlery
1939 Quaker Wheat Port1 small
Shirley Temple Photo
1939 Quaker Oats 3 Draw Telescope1 small
3 Draw Telescope
1904 Quaker Oats Sample Packet 6 small
Sample Packet





1960 Quaker Oats Biggles Air Police Badge (1)
Biggles Air Police Membership
1960 Quaker Oats Biggles Flasher1
Biggles Flasher
1960 Quaker Oats Biggles World Map1
Biggles World Map
Quaker Oats Your Childs Career No 2 Veterinary
Your Child’s Career
Quaker Oats Your Childs Career No 11 2nd series Chemist
Your Child’s Career 2nd Series
Quaker Oats Your Childs Career No 9 Personnel Officer
Your Child’s Career 3rd Series
Quaker Oats Jul 1961
1962 Quaker Oats World Cup Squad  (2)
World Cup Squad
1965 Quaker Oats Circus Figures3
Circus Figures
1950s Quaker Oats Picture Cards Series 1 (1)1 small
Ballet Cards
1969 Quaker Oats Book of Recipes (1)1 small
Book of Recipes
1959 Quaker Oats Picture Animal Cards (1)1 small
Animal Cards
1969 Quaker Oats Lone Star Flyers Rolls Royce 3 (1)1 small
Lone Star Flyers
1966 Quaker Big SHow Assortment LP1 small
Big Assortment EP
1969 Quaker Oats Instant Scalf offer & Sachets (2)1 small
Sammy Scarves
1969 Quaker Oats Instant Sachets (2a)1 small
Circus Sachets
1969 Quaker Oats Sachets Space 15 small
Space Sachets
1950s Quaker OAts one minute (2)1 small





1970 Quaker Oats Transport Poster
Transport Poster
1971 Quaker Oats Drakes Coins (betr)
Drakes Gold
1972 Quaker Oats Wood & Sons Egg Cup (2)
Eggs Cups & Milk Jug
1970s Quaker Oats Egg Timer
Mr Quaker Kitchen Items
1970s Quaker Oats Wood & Sons Toby Jug (2)
Quaker Toby Jug
1976 Quaker Oats QE2 Silver Jubilee Spoon (betr)1
Silver Jubilee Spoon
1977 Quaker Oats Storage Jar (2)
Storage Jar
1974 Quaker Oats T Towel Calendar
T Towel Calendar
1970s Quaker Oats Salter Scales & Jug (betr) (2)
Quaker Oats Scales
1970s Quaker Food Thermos flask (betr) (1)
Lunch Vacuum Flask
1976 Quaker Oats Li Lo Garden Thermometre1 small
Li-Lo Garden Thermometer
1972 Quaker Oats the Golden West discs1 small
The Golden West
1970s Quaker Oats Rolled oats packets2 small
Zoo Animal Sachets
1970s Quaker Oats Instant Sachets (9)1 small
Racing Sachets
1970s Quaker Alphabet Guide A-G1 small
Cookery Alphabet
1970s Quaker Oats Country Pudding1 small
Country Pudding Recipe
1971 Quaker Oats Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Book small
Willy Wonka Book






1980s Quaker Oats Lunchbox (betr) (3)
Lunch Box Set
1983 Quaker Oats Storage Tin
Storage Tin
Quaker Oats Lord Nelson Pottery circular dish
China Set
1980s Quaker Oats  T towel (betr)
1980s Quaker Oats  Wood & Sons cereal bowl (betr) (2)
Quaker Bowl
1980s Quaker Oats Alarm Clock (betr)
Alarm Clock
1980s Quaker Oats Sugar or flour shaker
Flour Shaker
1980s Quaker Oat Bran Playing Cards1 small
Playing Cards








1994 Quaker Oats A-Z Superfoods1 small
A-Z Natural Super Foods
1994 Quaker Oats Free Weight Watchers (1)1 small
Free Weight Watchers
1995 Quaker Oats Good Food Magazine Offer1 small
Good Food Magazine
1995 Quaker Oats Healthy Options voucher1 small
Healthy Options Discount
1995 Quaker Oats Recipe No 4 small
Recipe Cards
1995 Quaker Oats £.50 Cashback (2)1 small



Oat So Simple Bowl 2 (4)1 small
Oat So Simple Bowl
Oat So Simple Cuppa Porridge Mug & Spoon green (2)1 small
Oat So Simple Mug & Spoon
Quaker Oats So Simple Bowl (1)1 small
Oat So Simple Bowl
2017 Quaker Oat So Simple Space Prizes Mug1 small
Kennedy Space Centre Competition




Cereal Offers   Capn Crunch   Golden Oaties   Harvest Bars   Oat Krunchies   Puffed Wheat   Quaker Oats   Quake Up   Scotts Oats   Sugar Puffs   Varieties