Improve Your Skills With Johan Cruyff

1974 - Shredded Wheat Improve Your Skills With Johan Cruyff Packet Back

Set of 4 packet backs feature training sessions to improve your skills. Also send away 20p for training wallchart. 

Ebay pic2



Picture of  training wallchart, plus other packet back

1974 Shredded Wheat Johan Cruyff Improve your game & poster (2)
1974 Shredded Wheat Improve Your Skills With Johan Cruyff (1) 1974 Shredded Wheat Johan Cruyff Coaching Sticker
Shredded Wheat
Cereal Offers   Cheerios   Cookie Crisps   Force   Golden Grahams   Golden Nuggets   Nesquik   Shreddies   Shredded Wheat   Spoonsize   Varieties