National Maritime Museum Cards

1973 - Sugar Puffs National Maritime Museum Packet Back Cards

Set of 12 cards to cut from the back of the packet - with details of the card printed on the reverse. Promotion pack also available for retailers with cards cut out and displayed on individual sheets - see Royal Air Force & Motor Museum Sets

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1974 Sugar Puffs National Maritine Museum Cards 1973 Sugar Puffs Jeremy's Days Out Promotional Pack National Maritime Museum
1973 Sugar Puffs Jeremy's Days Out Promotional Pack (3)
1973 Sugar Puffs Jeremy's Days Out Promotional Pack (4)
1974 Sugar Puffs National Maritime Museum reverse
Honey Monster
Cereal Offers   Capn Crunch   Golden Oaties   Harvest Bars   Oat Krunchies   Puffed Wheat   Quaker Oats   Quake Up   Scotts Oats   Sugar Puffs   Varieties